Working Mom Struggles: 5 Ways to Be Your Best Self
If you’re a working mom, chances are you have plenty of challenges to tackle, both at work and at home. Juggling demanding deadlines and complex projects while also dealing with picky eaters and tantrum-throwing toddlers isn’t easy, and sometimes it can feel like you’re sacrificing your happiness in order to fulfill your duties as a mother and employee. While that may sometimes be true, it doesn’t have to be! Even though the struggles of working moms are real, there are plenty of things you can do to make them more manageable.
1) Simplify
This is what an working mom needs for a peaceful life—clutter-free days. One of our life struggles as working moms is being pulled in multiple directions by other people’s requests and expectations. Overwhelmed, we often get rid of those things we see as extras that are in our way, but they are often some of the very things we need to succeed—and to be our best selves. Clutter is one of those distractions that can quickly turn into a time suck if you let it. If you’re trying to make more time for yourself or your family, it might be helpful to look at your surroundings and make sure you aren’t getting rid of something useful along with all that clutter.
2) Prioritize (yourself!)
As a working mom with an entrepreneurial spirit, you already know how difficult it can be to find balance. However, learning how to prioritize your needs and those of your family will go a long way toward helping you achieve work-life balance. Start by making a list of self-care activities that bring joy into your life. Work lunch breaks into your schedule. Don’t be afraid to put doctor appointments ahead of work events if your health comes first! . When everything is said and done, there’s no substitute for taking time for yourself. The occasional massage or night out with friends can help you feel better about yourself—and give you a boost of energy for dealing with life as a working mom.
Sometimes putting yourself first can be easier said than done. If you’re struggling to make time for what matters most, consider using technology to your advantage. Consider scheduling you time on your calendar so it doesn’t get pushed aside in favor of more urgent tasks during busy days at work or home. Set reminders on your phone and tablet so they pop up when it’s time to take a break from housework chores or planning dinner menus. Another idea?
3) Get Support
Finding time for yourself can be a challenge as a working mom, but if you have a supportive family and friends, you may already have your social support base in place. If not, consider joining a Facebook group like MOMmentum or other mastermind groups for moms. These groups are designed to bring women together who share similar goals and interests. While some of these groups meet in person, others are online only; either way is fine.
4) Set Boundaries
It can be challenging to set boundaries and say no to requests, but establishing a routine is key to achieving work-life balance. By creating routines in your life, you’ll have an easier time saying no when you need to. Automate your schedule by sticking to a specific routine for each day of your week, so you can avoid having people call you about last-minute things. This will help improve your quality of life because it forces you to stick with one plan without constantly interruptions. Routines also help your family keep aligned to expectations from others.
5) Don’t Compare Yourself to Others
Comparisonitis is the hardest to overcome. Comparing yourself to others means looking in the rearview mirror, and you’re trying to drive your life forward. The only person you can control is yourself. Mentality changes and mindset work will help. If you want more time with your family, prioritize it and make a plan for how to get it done—and then follow that plan consistently each day or week until it works.